Services Offered by Krystina Thomas, LMT
"My passion for bodywork flourishes as I continue to learn more and give more. Having worked in massage and chiropractic clinics for fourteen years, much of my focus has been an integration of injury recovery, deep tissue and relaxation massage. Blending these methodologies is a great way to help people get what they want and need. I cater each session to the individual in that moment. I understand that as a client, sometimes you may want more relaxation bodywork and other times you may want deeper focus on aches and pains. I strive to meet your needs each and every time." -Krystina
Deep Tissue - Getting deeper into the musculature can liberate us from our aches, open up new movement opportunities, and just feels great! I use various "tools" such as hands, palms, elbows, forearms to gently dig deeper to release stored up tension, increase blood flow, and decrease pain.
Injury Treatment - I have worked in chiropractic and massage clinics that focus on injury treatment and auto accident recovery since 2007. In that time, I have treated hundreds of people in healing from significant injuries. I love doing this kind of massage because I sincerely love helping people through such challenging times as recovering from accident injuries. I received injury treatment massage to help me recover from a very significant auto accident. This process helped me understand how valuable massage is for injury recovery.
Swedish and Relaxation Massage - In today's busy and hectic world, we all can benefit from deep relaxation. I bring people into a deep, calm state of goodness with my relaxing Swedish massage strokes and increasing circulation throughout the body. Swedish massage is what we all think of as the feel good stuff and I usually mix it in to every session.
Pregnancy Massage - Having received lots of massage during my two pregnancies, I understand the value of getting bodywork during this precious time of motherhood. I offer woman soothing, nurturing and skilled massage to help ease the discomforts pregnancy can bring and help you enter into deep relaxation. During the first few months of pregnancy, most woman can still lay face down on the massage table. As the baby and belly grow, then we adjust to laying on your side for the massage. My belief is that massage during pregnancy can significantly benefit your quality of pregnancy and life!
Reiki and Energy Work - Reiki and energy work simply draws upon the infinite healing currents that envelop all of us in this world. Taking time to slow down in the session and offer a deeper intention for focusing this healing energy into the body is a great way to take us deeper in relaxation and healing. Integrated within the massage, energy work can be very potent and profound.
Krystina Thomas, LMT OR #14201